
Dating Application

Online Dating Application


Overview: I developed a full-stack web application to facilitate online dating and social connections. The application allows users to create a profile, search for potential matches, and communicate with other members in a safe and moderated environment.

Key Features:

  • User profiles with details like name, age, location, interests etc. for creating an online identity
  • Advanced search and filtering options to find potential matches based on user-defined criteria
  • Secure authentication using OAuth login via Google for user verification
  • Real-time chat functionality integrated using a third-party API for messaging between matched users
  • Moderation tools for site administrators to monitor activity and address any issues or violations

Technologies: Python, Django web framework, PostgreSQL database, Google OAuth, JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Implementation: The backend was built using the Python programming language and Django web framework for database management, authentication and authorization. User profiles and chat data are stored in a PostgreSQL database. Google OAuth login handles user authentication securely. The frontend utilizes HTML, CSS and JavaScript for responsive design and dynamic features like chat.

Deployment: The application is deployed on a Linux server hosted on PythonAnywhere, making it accessible to users on the public internet. Continuous integration using GitHub Actions ensures the site runs the latest code on each deployment.It can be accessed publicly at http://sayak4.pythonanywhere.com/. The source code is also available on GitHub at https://github.com/dasdebanna/dating_website.

Outcome: This project demonstrated my skills in full-stack web development, from designing a database schema to building APIs and integrating third-party services. It also highlighted my abilities in application security, server administration and deployment automation.